Gaztelu Gaiters

The idea to create a group of bagpipers in Larraga was Alex Arizmendi and Imanol Urabayen, with the help of his professor Tomas Díaz. They had already been learning in Pamplona for some time and considered that there was a growing musical gap in the town for the dantzas, carnival, dances, giants, etc.

The name in Basque, Gaztelu, means Castle. And it occurred to us by the mountain so characteristic that we have in Larraga, where many years ago a castle was established. They wanted him to have personality and to reflect the people.

So in October of 2015, he started this school that, to this day, has 4 bagpipes and 8 drums. But the school is open to anyone who wants to join. The classes are given on Sundays in the parish cinema from 11 to 11.45 drum and from 12 to 13.30 bagpipe. Instrument is given for 2 months for who wants to try.

At this moment, they count with the group Ezpelur de Barañain like support for the exits, while they are taking tables.

The Debut was at the Christmas festival last year, January 2, 2016, with much excitement, nerves and illusion.

Its outings throughout the year are: cavalcade of kings (first time in 2017), rural Carnival, Festivities of Santo Cristo (May), Chupinazo Pamplona July 6, Vaca Brava (end of July), Feasts of San Miguel (August ), Chupinazo de Tafalla (August 14), Cultural Cycle, Olentzero and everything that may arise throughout the year.

In time, we would like to take our village in the form of bagpipe for the rest of Navarre, Burgos, Basque Country and Aragon; Making exchanges with other groups of bagpipers.