Festivities and traditions

The cultural heritage of Larraga is manifested in our fiestas and in our traditions, which, inherited from our elders, survive today

Festive calendar

Three dates stand out in the festival calendar of Larraga, which are:

On May 3, the feast of Santo Cristo del Socorro, on August 6, with the patron saint’s feasts and on September 29, the patron saint of the Villa San Miguel Arcángel. In all three cases it is necessary to highlight the processions that are carried out.

In addition, the celebrations in honor of San Miguel Arcángel, celebrated in the last years of the 5 to the 11 of August, have the attraction, as it happens in the majority of the towns of La Ribera, of the closures and the capeas of cows , Especially taking into account the existence of three cattle ranches in the town.

In the section costumbrista we could mention the bonfires of San Antón, which are celebrated the night of January 16, the eve of its festival. In them, the bonfires are lit and St. Anthony is asked to protect the animals from the house. The party ends up sharing the dinner before the embers of the bonfire. On February 3, the feast of San Blas, it is customary to go to the Church with the necklaces of roscos that are made at home to implore the Holy protection against the evils of throat. And finally, we could mention the Javieradas, at the beginning of March, in which after the pilgrimage of Larraga to Sangüesa, the ragueses open the Via Crucis to Javier with a large wooden cross of the Cofradía de la Vera Cruz.