
The Larraga Women’s Association, AMUDELA, is a non-profit association, established in 1999 with the aim of promoting socio-cultural activities, upholding equal rights and opportunities for women and collaborating in all areas of Social, cultural, labor and political life of the people.

Today, it has a total of 320 members, but each year the number grows thanks to the efforts of each board to make it more lively and closer to all ages and to all groups of the people.

During the year, we organize talks where women can learn to work their health in body and mind. For years we have been organizing sports courses like Pilates, Yoga, Aerobics and Aquagym that people attend year after year. We work workshops for the empowerment of women, where learning is not an effort but a fun and where we can help each other and relate to each other. We also plan excursions to know our culture, our history, natural spaces, art and monuments, dances and gastronomy.

We collaborate with the different political and cultural organizations of the town and the area:

  • City Hall of Larraga
  • Middle Zone Consortium
  • Commonwealth of Sports
  • Basic Social Service
  • Municipal library
  • Larraga Photo Library

We commemorate the most important annual events for women:

  • March 8: INTERNATIONAL DAY OF WOMEN. Day commemorating the struggle of women for their participation, on an equal footing with man, in society and in their full development as a person.
  • 25th November: INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. Day of reflection and denunciation against the different forms of violence suffered by women.


We collaborate with INAI and the City Council of Larraga visibilizing the logo with the objective that women and men enjoy the holidays in conditions of equality, paying special attention to the prevention of sexual aggressions from behaviors of mutual respect.